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Privacy Policy

Privacy Practices Related to Participant Data

Tekton Research values its participants’ personal information. This policy will help you understand how we collect and use personal information for marketing purposes and clinical study enrollment.

What information is collected?

For the purposes of this Privacy Policy, personal information is considered to be “any information that can be used to uniquely identify you or that can be reasonably linked, directly or indirectly, with you.” The general pieces of personal information we collect about you include: name, email, phone number, date of birth.

How is the Personal Information Used?

We collect information about participants for the sole purpose of enrollment in clinical trials. In addition, we may use the information for marketing purposes. Tekton Research does not sell, share or trade personal information outside of their marketing agency of record and study-related requirements. The data we collect from you will be stored no longer than necessary.

Participate in a Study

Tekton Research is looking for people like you to participate in research studies. Contact us to see if you qualify for one of our currently enrolling studies. You can also join our database so we can notify you of studies that may be of interest to you.